まかなう は「賄い」であり「巻かない」。巻いていないのはステンレスボウルにつきもののカールしたフチのこと。巻かないことで、粉がつまらず、洗うのが簡単。毎日の台所仕事の気持ちをほんのちょっぴり、楽に、楽しくしてくれます。
MAKANAI means cooking in Japanese. It also means unrolled, which applies on the edge of the stainless-steel bowl that is usually rolled. The unrolled edge prevents residue of dry mixtures from building up on the edge and makes it easy to keep clean. The MAKANAI Series makes your daily kitchen tasks easier and fun.
こします は油「漉し」がついた水「升」(みずます=計量カップ)です。容器、網、蓋、という、シンプルな構成。洗いやすい形状。縦長のフォルムでコンパクトに収納できます。
KOSHIMASU is a liquid measuring jug with an oil filter It consists of three simple parts : a container, a filter and a lid. It is easy to wash. Its slim, oblong shape also means it’s easy to store.
やくさじ のやくは、計量した時の大体このくらいの「約」であり、また"計量"だけではなく混ぜるすくうなど何役にもなれるという役割の「役」。
YAKUSAJI Measuring Spoons are very helpful cooking utensils.
Not only are they
ideal for roughly measuring out condiments and other ingredients,but they can also be used for stirring and
Inconspicuous on the dining table, no matter how many there might be, these tongs are the utensils we
recommend for modern dining table conventions. You and your guests can share various dishes easily with your
own pair of tongs instead of shared serving cutlery.
These handy tongs are mobile and easy to use, and yet can hold a large amount of condiments.
These tongs can be used in a range of settings:
for different types of cooking tasks as well as for
serving and plating food. The smaller 17.5 cm tongs are flexible and versatile. The larger 22 cm tongs are also ideal for handling food with a cooking pot or pan.